As well as programs such as: RWBY, Death Battle, One Piece, Fairy Tale and others. He’s also provided voices for several indie video game projects, professional MOBA-games Heroes of Newerth and Smite, Ernest in Gearbox’s competitive first-person shooter Battleborn, as well as anime titles including Hiroshi the Sword in Fairy Tail, Gundam Tanaka in Dangan Ronpa 3: Despair Arc, and various other anime titles! You can also create a character with his voice in Xenoverse 2 as Male Voice Option 13! Nick “Lanipator” Landis is a writer, actor, comedian, and other reasons he dropped of college and worries his parents! Lani is best known as the co-founder of Team Four Star, a troupe of online funny-bois that created Dragonball Z Abridged, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, Attack On Titan Abridged, Final Fantasy 7 Machinabridged, among other gaming and anime programming! He’s also provided his voice for games such as: Smite, Paladins, Heroes of Newearth, Dreadout, The Letter, 5-Minute Dungeon, and Dragonball Xenoverse 2. Co-founder and CEO of TeamFourStar, he’s the director, editor, and co-writer for DragonBall Z Abridged, providing the voices for King Kai, Trunks, Burter, Korin, Yajirobe, Garlic Jr., Zarbon, and various side characters in the series. Scott and Nick from Team Four Star! Back in 2008, TeamFourStar hit the internet with the premiere of DragonBall Z Abridged! Ever since then, their team has grown, and so has their content! With TeamFourStar and TFS Gaming, and their fan favorites Abridged series in the past, Nick Landis and Scott Frerichs with the TFS Team have been entertaining millions! Scott “KaiserNeko” Frerichs is a Texas-based, California-native voice actor, graphics designer, and writer.